Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Chapter 1: The Night at Planet Felicity

Late at night as Princess Felicity lied down on her tree house, she sighed a breath of boredom. The sky was beautifully starlit and her bed warm and cosy. But the princess was tired of being happy. Waking up to a happy morning ever since she was born and everything being happy and perfect had taken its toll on her. She found living very uninspiring. Since there was nothing to look forward to every morning. The moon smiled at her, “What is the matter?”

“I have nothing to do in life. In fact nobody on this planet has anything to do. We are all perpetually happy.” Princess Felicity whined.

“That is a blessing, my dear.” Assured the moon.

“But I am bored.” The princess was not to be consoled.

“So what do you want to do?” The moon queried.

“Is there no other kind of life, where things are a bit different.” The princess questioned.

“How different?” The moon kept on quizzing.

“Well, in every planet is life the same?” The princess wondered.

“Not at all. In fact every planet has its own peculiarities.” The moon smiled.

“So, I want to visit all those places and see how different life can be.” The princess wished.

“Well,” the moon responded, “whatever you wish on Planet Felicity comes true.”

“I know,” The princess went to sleep peacefully knowing very well that her wish has been granted.

Princess Felicity found herself on the seat of her white eagle.

“Where are we headed for?” She stroked the eagle.

“Planet earth,” replied the grim voice of the eagle.

“You are not sounding happy at all.” The princess looked surprised.

“Yes, this tone is called grim, and there is nothing to be happy about this silly decision of yours.” The eagle now snapped at her.

“Look how you are talking to me.” The princess was hurt

“Well, that is your choice. You did not like our happy planet where we were all happy, we loved everybody and hurt nobody. Since you want to experience something different, I have been asked to drop you to planet earth. Life there is definitely very different.” The eagle stopped.

“Well, how different?” asked Princess Felicity.

“You will know it for yourself. And you are no princess there. Well, we have arrived.” The eagle stopped and let her down.

Felicity found herself standing underneath a small hillock, big green trees surrounded her as she stood amidst a twirling road. Happy again at where she was, Felicity smiled at her surroundings. The white eagle gave her a small packet.

“What is this?” Felicity enquired.

“Some money, as they say in earth parlance. And your clothes. Best of luck.” The eagle flew away.

With her small packet, Felicity stood on the road. The sun was about to rise. A big truck made its presence felt on the road. Unaware of this kind of a creature, Felicity was taken aback. She stepped behind as the truck almost ran her down.

Enjoying the drama, Felicity stood there. A car was approaching her. The driver stopped next to her. Felicity smiled. This was of course the beginning of a new life.

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